Why did you choose UNO and the BMS program? Were there any specific events that transpired in your life to lead you the BMS program?
I initially chose the BMS program because most of my credits from my previous training were able to transfer and bring me closer to earning my BA. Reaching this tier of education offers more opportunities in my professional growth. I also appreciate that this program allows for some additional freedom in electives.
What has been your overall experience in the program?
My experience in the program has been enjoyable so far. I’ve been provided all the resources I need and have ample opportunity to explore each academic path of interest with the advisors that are available consistently.
Explain the support you have received during your time in the program?
My academic advisors have been more than helpful in suggesting the educational pathways that fit my requirements. The last college I attended left me feeling a bit lost after enrollment and being a commuter made it difficult to network with other students. I appreciate the support I’ve received so far at UNO because I feel able to succeed independently.
Did you receive any financial aid such as grants or scholarships? If yes, please explain.
My Tuition Assistance only covers tuition, so I have received a Pell grant to help subsidize my additional costs and fees for attending.
What are your goals after graduating? How has the BMS program prepared you for those goals?
My goals after graduating are to remain employed and to continue my education. I feel it’s important to constantly grow and learn throughout life and I plan to, so long as I am able.
What would you tell someone who is considering finishing their degree but hasn’t taken the next step?
Just take the next step to finish a degree especially now that you’ve already started. Start small and see what you can handle. You can always decide what works and what doesn’t while you’re actively pursuing it.
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