Business Administration Major
Choosing a major and a career trajectory can be a difficult task. That is why Madison Tabor was thankful for the support that she received on campus. "While at UNO, I used the CBA Career Center as a resource for preparing for my future career. I ended up working there for a little while before getting an internship, and I went back for more advice too," she said.
Getting accustomed to campus life is also made easier by participating in events and all that UNO and Omaha have to offer. "I went to Glow at UNO during Durango Days my first two years of college. This event included a DJ and glow in the dark paint that was sprayed out into the crowd. It’s different than anything else I’ve ever really done. It made it even better that I went with a roommate I had each time. It was a great way to have some fun together, which made living together even better. Unfortunately, due to worldly events, Glow at UNO was not option to go to [the last two years]. However, if it did take place, I would have definitely been there," Madison recounts.
Faculty and Staff are also an essential part of a positive college experience. "One of my favorite things about UNO would be the professors. Throughout college I had probably around 30 professors (some multiple times). As a generalization, they were all supportive, clearly intelligent on their subject, and genuinely cared about the students learning the topic. I also have to add that most of them are pretty funny—something I appreciate to keep the classroom more lively. Of course, there are going to be assignments that make a little less sense or subjects that don’t click as well, but overall, I feel very lucky to have had the experience that I have had. I really couldn’t ask for much better."
Now that she is graduating, Tabor plans on using her degree to help people. "After graduation, I will be moving back to Lincoln and will be getting married this summer! My plan is to find a Human Resource position in the Lincoln area where I can utilize the knowledge I’ve gained through real-world experience. I think it would be really nice to start in a generalist-type position that gets to see and learn various areas of HR. After that, I should have a taste for what I like best and see how much I can learn about that area. My goal is to help people by making seemingly complicated things not so confusing. To me, that is a major role of HR professionals. Everyone knows someone (or is that someone) who curses the HR department at their work. While HR departments have to do some tough things, I want to be a part of the change in perception that HR is there to help, not just discipline."
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